Wednesday, August 6, 2008

This Is Too Much Fun To Be Work

There has been a game of tag floating around the internet and the ESMARTS Etsy Team I belong to. I've been lucky enough to have been tagged by two different people, Tina from Links & Loops and Elayne from Chez Chani. Be sure and check out their blogs to find out some interesting facts about them.

The rules are as follows:

1) Link to the person who tagged you
2) Post the rules on your blog (this is what you are now reading)
3) Write 6 random things about yourself (see below)
4) Tag 6 people at the end of your post and link to them
5) Let each person know they have been tagged and leave a comment on their blog.
6) Let the tagger know when your entry is up.

Now for the 6 things about me

1. I was an only child for 12 years and am still spoiled!
2. A few years ago I lost 70 lbs on a low carb diet.
3. I like to go out and sing karaoke.
4. I'm a huge Star Trek fan, my favorite is Voyager.
5. I don't like going to the movies, I get bored sitting there.
6. My lifelong ambition is to get organized!

The six people I am tagging are:

Yvonne from Blue Bonnet Jewelry Design
Tammy of The Crafty Princess
Danis of DG Designs TX
Kari of Novel Approach Designs
Kelly of Soul Humming
Jennifer of Jennifer Jangles

My apologies if any of you have already been tagged. It's hard to keep up!


ChezChani said...

They are getting rid of the Star Trek Adventure at the LV Hilton. I hope you are not too upset. I don't know why I've never been on that ride.

Kelly Snelling said...

Tag! thanks for tagging me. it's fun to read six peaking details about your life. i've got art girl house guests right now. we're doing a three day painting class this weekend. and we are going all day every day indulging our artistic selves. so i may be a while to post my six things. but soon, soon!

KimberlyRies said...

I love Star Trek too, but I like the original series!

I like your furnace glass earrings!


Anonymous said...

Good Morning..
You have a great site...I love it.
I agree with you, NH is beautiful.

I am not a Star Trekie...but my daughter has always been.

Your jewelery is beautiful, I have wished that I could make beautiful pieces like you do.

Thanks for sharing
flory brick

Unknown said...

Nice blog and lovely jewelry!

Annette Piper said...

Well, I've tagged you!!! You needed a reminder to blog again anyway ;)

DG Designs Jewelry & Supply said...

LOL~! I came over to let you know I had tagged you for the Lemonade award and saw that you had tagged me on Too Much Fun to be Work~! Well here is the link to read about your award from me and I will get working on my six little things~! Have a great day~!!